When women forget how brave their hearts are, I'm here to remind them.

It was many years before I realized how brave my own heart is. I found grieving the end of unhealthy relationships to be extremely challenging until I accepted my need to stop numbing myself, for the sake of my sanity and others'. Healing in such a painful and beautiful way eventually uncovered for me a passion to help other women believe in their own brave hearts. This is why I write about relationships and healing and acceptance.

As a relationship writer, my work has been featured on the Huffington Post, Glamour.com, and Tiny Buddha. My first book, "Respected: How One Word Can Change More Than Just Your Love Life" released in November 2014.

Akirah Robinson: Respected

Wow! Just what I needed!
By Kathy Roman on June 2, 2016 Verified Purchase

This book is AMAZING!!! I was going through one break up after another and then this book gave me so much clarity, peace, and perspective. Ms. Robinson is a wonderful writer and empowers her readers to love AND respect themselves!

Tags: akirah, relationships, relationship personal, readers, respect, women, single, healthy, self advice, inspiring, perspective words, support, young dating

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